Volume 3, Issue 1

Original research papers



Dejan Vasovic, Stevan Musicki, Jelena Malenović Nikolić

Pages: 47-51

DOI: 10.21175/RadJ.2018.01.009

Received: 9 APR 2017, Received revised: 6 JUN 2017, Accepted: 5 JUL 2017, Published online: 2 APR 2018

Background. Observed from a global perspective, there is currently an increasing tendency directed towards protection, on the one hand, and efficient natural resources exploitation for the sake of daily society needs at the other. Whilst the contemporary environmental quality monitoring schemes at the national level recognize the significance of basic physical, chemical and biological parameters as environmental quality indicators, there is insufficient attention given to the radionuclide monitoring. Aims. Having the previous facts in mind, the aim of this paper is directed to: detailed analysis of sources of radionuclides in environment, mechanisms of their transfer in different environmental media and their final fate influencing environmental quality and environmental services. Also, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate the significance of radionuclide monitoring both from the perspective of environmental protection and natural resource availability. Methodology. The outcomes of this paper rely on the environmental quality reports and studies performed by numerous organizations, and it highlights the importance of interdisciplinary approach within the observed field.
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