S. A. Kulyukhin, V. V. Kulemin, V. B. Krapukhin, E.P. Krasavina, V.P. Gorbacheva, I.A. Rumer
Pages: 91-97
DOI: 10.21175/RadJ.2018.02.015
Received: 25 MAY 2018, Received revised: 15 NOV 2018, Accepted: 18 NOV 2018, Published online: 27 DEC 2018
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The decomposition of uranyl nitrate in a matrix of large coarse-granular silica gel (KSKG trademark) under the action of microwave radiation (MWR) was studied. Microwave irradiation leads not only to the formation of solid decomposition products UO3, UO2(OH)NO3, and their hydrates in the pores of KSKG granules, but also to the accumulation of gaseous NOx and H2O. The presence of NOx in KSKG pores leads to the HNO3 formation in the course of washing of sorbent granules with water. This prevents hydrolysis of uranyl nitrate and the formation of UO2(OH)2·H2O in KSKG pores. The washout of uranium with water and HClO4 solutions from the KSKG fraction containing the products of the decomposition of 2 and 10 g of the initial UO2(NO3)2·6H2O under the action of MWR (hereinafter denoted as KSKG-P-I) was studied. Upon the ~7-day contact of the solid and liquid phases at the total ratio S : L = 1 : 20, from 5 to 14% of U passed into the aqueous phase from KSKG-P-I samples obtained in experiments with 10 and 2 g of UO2(NO3)2·6H2O, respectively. In the course of repeated treatments of KSKG-P-I with water, pH of the wash water increased from 3 to 6, owing to the removal of NOх from KSKG pores. Then an insoluble phase of uranyl hydroxide UO2(OH)2·H2O, which can also be presented as hydroxylated uranium trioxide UO3·2H2O, was being gradually formed from the solution obtained by the treatment of KSKG-P-I with water. On treatment of KSKG-P-I with HClO4 solutions (pH 1–2), virtually all uranium species formed by MWR treatment of aqueous uranyl nitrate solutions in the KSKG matrix dissolved (at the contact time of the solid and liquid phases of ~21 days, the amount of U that passed into HClO4 solutions is ~90%). The amount of the U form that is not extracted with HClO4 solutions and remains in KSKG granules is ~12% of its initial amount. The X-ray phase analysis suggests that the uranium species remaining in KSKG are silicate compounds formed by sorbent saturation with a uranyl nitrate solution and the subsequent MWR treatment.
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