Volume 3, Issue 2

Original research papers

Radiation in Medicine


V.N. Panteleev, A.E. Barzakh, L.Kh. Batist, D.V. Fedorov, V.S. Ivanov, S.A. Krotov, P.L. Molkanov, S.Yu. Orlov, M.D. Seliverstov, Yu.M. Volkov

Pages: 106-109

DOI: 10.21175/RadJ.2018.02.017

Received: 16 MAY 2018, Received revised: 28 SEP 2018, Accepted: 26 OCT 2018, Published online: 27 DEC 2018

The cyclotron C-80 capable of producing 40–80 MeV proton beams with a current of 100–200 μA has been constructed and put into operation at PNPI NRC KI (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”) [1]. Presently the system has been worked out for the simultaneous beam transportation to the target stations for radioisotope production and to the medical box for the treatment of ophthalmologic diseases. One of the main goals of the C-80 is the production of a wide spectrum of medical radionuclides for diagnostics and therapy. For this purpose the project of the radioisotope complex RIC-80 (Radio Isotopes at the cyclotron C-80) has been developed. The mass-separator application at one of the three target stations of RIC-80 will allow on-line or semi on-line production of a high purity radioisotopes. Among them are radionuclides 223,224Ra and 225Ac which decay by the alpha particle emission and are used for therapy of malignant tumors at the early stage of their appearance. The results of target and ion source tests for the production of radioisotopes 223,224Ra and 225Ac by different methods, including one with the mass-separator use, are presented.
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