L. Diehl, L.Wiik-Fuchs, R. Mori, M. Hauser, K. Jakobs, U. Parzefall
Pages: 117-122
DOI: 10.21175/RadJ.2018.02.019
Received: 14 JUN 2018, Received revised: 28 SEP 2018, Accepted: 26 OCT 2018, Published online: 27 DEC 2018
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In 2025 the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be upgraded to the High Luminosity (HL-)-LHC. This will challenge the silicon strip detector performance with very high fluences and long operation time. Sensors have been designed to survive severe radiation damage as demonstrated by electrical tests and charge collection measurements. Besides that, it is important to predict and understand the long-term evolution of the sensor properties. In this paper, detailed studies on the annealing behavior of ATLAS 12 strip detectors designed by the ITK Strip Sensor Working Group and irradiated with fluences between 5·1013 and 2·1015 neq/cm2 are presented. During the annealing time at 23°C and 58.5°C systematic charge collection, leakage current and impedance measurements have been carried out until breakdown or the appearance of charge multiplication. The phenomenon of charge multiplication in high irradiated sensors after long annealing times has been investigated with respect to dependencies on temperature and bias voltage cycling. The difference in the annealing behavior between the two temperatures has been analyzed and compared to similar measurements on n-type sensors and with a theoretical model. For sensors with fluences below 3·1014 neq/cm2 the effective doping concentration could be extracted from the impedance measurements and was compared with a theoretical model. The results show that ATLAS12 sensors anneal similarly to the previously designed ATLAS07 and the behavior is well described by the theoretical model. Nevertheless, a significant difference in the time constant of the beneficial and reverse annealing with respect to previous n-type sensors has been reported.
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