Aleksander Mladenov, Tzvetana Nonova, Dobromir Dimitrov, Kiril Krezhov
Pages: 193-198
DOI: 10.21175/RadJ.2016.03.036
Received: 21 FEB 2016,
Received revised: 30 MARCH 2016,
Accepted: 8 MAY 2016,
Published online: 26 DEC 2016
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The paper gives an overview of the management of radioactive waste (RAW) generated during the operation and maintenance of the facilities at the Nuclear Scientific Experimental and Educational Centre (NSEEC) of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS). It covers the basic procedures adopted at the NSEEC for the collection of solid and liquid RAW, their classification, categorization and storage as well as the chain of command for RAW tracking, transportation and reporting. The accumulated solid RAW is stored according to the international and Bulgarian regulations in separate safe boxes (in the designated premise of every laboratory on the site of NSEEC), in monitored storage rooms (for the I Class Radiochemical Laboratory) and in a separate building (Reactor Equipment Storage). At present, the largest inventory of discarded sources of ionizing radiation is stored in the Gamma Irradiation Facility. In 2009, the low and medium activity liquid RAW stored in the underground tanks of the IRT-2000 research reactor were shipped for final p to the reprocessing facility of Kozloduy NPP and, at present, there are small amounts of low activity liquid RAW stored mainly in the II Class Radiochemical Laboratory. Among the main steps during the implementation of any RAW treatment activities is the detailed assessment of the doses accumulated by the personnel as well as providing the admissible working conditions - devices and accessories, personal means of protection, measuring appliances for overall dosimetry control, conduct of personnel instructions, etc., so that the collected doses are in the permissible limits determined by the legislation in force in Bulgaria and the internal regulations of INRNE for work with sources of ionizing radiation.
- Tz. Nonova, D. Stankov, Al. Mladenov, K. Krezhov.“Radiological characterization activities during the partial dismantling of the IRT - Sofia research reactor facilities,” Roman. J. Phys., vol. 59, no. 9-10, pp. 976 – 988, 2014.
- I. S. Dimitrov, Tz. Nonova, Al. Mladenov, K. Krezhov. “Radiation levels at carrying out the refurbishment of the Bulgarian research reactor IRT-2000,” in RAD 2015 Proceedings, Budva, Montenegro, 2015, pp.203-208
- Al. Mladenov, D. Stankov, Tz. Nonova, K. Krezhov. “Radiation protection, radioactive waste management and site monitoring at the Nuclear Scientific Experimental and Educational Centre IRT-Sofia at INRNE – BAS,” Rad. Prot. Dosim., vol. 162, no. 1-2, pp. 176-181, 2014.
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