Volume 2, Issue 2

Original research papers



Nataliya Koltovaya, Alexandra Kokoreva, Natalya Shvaneva, Nadya Zhychkina

Pages: 82–85

DOI: 10.21175/RadJ.2017.02.018

Received: 26 JAN 2017, Received revised: 19 MAR 2017, Accepted: 22 MAY 2017, Published online: 28 OCT 2017

In connection with the active space exploration, the studies of the effects of heavy ions are currently of particular interest. Cosmic radiation is primarily composed of protons and other ions with energies of >10 MeV. We have modulated the effect of cosmic radiation by using heavy-ion beams at the Heavy-Ion Accelerator in Dubna (JINR). Particularly, we have investigated the biological effects induced by accelerated boron ions with the energy of 12-34 MeV/n and linear energy transfer (LET) 42, 61 and 101 keV/μm. Dose dependence of lethal damage, the induction of point mutations and chromosome rearrangements were studied. The effectiveness increased with the increase of LET and maximum effectiveness occurred at 61 keV/μm for inactivating and mutant effects.
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