Volume 2, Issue 2

Original research papers



Sergey Koryakin, Elena Isaeva, Evgeniy Beketov, Aleksei Solovev, Liliya Ulyanenko, Vladimir Fedorov, Victor Lityaev, Stepan Ulyanenko

Pages: 86–89

DOI: 10.21175/RadJ.2017.02.019

Received: 13 FEB 2017, Received revised: 24 APR 2017, Accepted: 2 JUL 2017, Published online: 28 OCT 2017

This study provides the quantitative assessment of the photon-capture therapy efficiency using the X-ray facility and Au nanocomposite in solutions based on hyaluronic acid and melanin. The RBE using 10 % survival criteria for murine B-16 melanoma cell cultures was 1.5. The rats with implanted sarcoma M-1 were locally irradiated with 28-32 Gy of tumor dose. Irradiation in 28 Gy of cell cultures with the 4 mg of Au-based solution administered 15 minutes before irradiation, showed the similar efficiency as conventional 32 Gy. The skin reaction yield is dependent only on the absorbed dose. The therapeutic gain using the tumor growth suppression factor was 1.35, which is comparable to the RBE of B-16 cell cultures.
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