N.V. Kamanina
Pages: 148-157
DOI: 10.21175/RadJ.2017.03.032
Received: 2 MAR 2017, Received revised: 1 DEC 2017, Accepted: 5 DEC 2017, Published online: 23 DEC 2017
Abstract |
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Due to important features of the organic -conjugated nano-objects-doped systems, main properties of which can compete with the basic inorganic bulk material parameters, the study of the organics is dominant. As the effective nano-objects and the intermolecular sensitizers, the following nanoparticles, such as fullerenes, nanotubes, quantum dots, reduced graphene oxide, shungites, etc. have been considered. So many applications of the organic materials doped with nanoparticles have been proposed. Among them, the optical limiting effect occupies a unique place because this process permits, on the one side, to extend the knowledge about the photorefractive features of innovative materials and, from the other side, it is predicted to develop new devices to protect human eyes and technical equipment from high energy density of the laser beam. In the current short review paper, the optical limiting effect will be considered based on the results obtained by some scientific and engineering teams. The data will be shown at the different experimental conditions: the content of the nano-sensitizers can be changed, the range of the wave lengths can be extended, and the level of the attenuation of the laser beam can be varied. It should be mentioned that the experimental wave length can be as the following: 532, 805, 1047, 1064, 1315, 1500, 2940 nm. The materials and optical element based on the structured organics will be shown under the application of the traditional optical limiting scheme and using the four-wave mixing technique to indicate energy losses via diffraction under the Raman-Nath diffraction conditions as one of the optical limiting mechanisms. The level of the attenuation of the laser beam will be shown for the organics based on polyimides, 2-cycloactyl-amine-5-nitropyridine, 2-(n-prolinol)-5-nitropyridine, liquid crystals and other materials. Some ways to form organic photonic crystals will be discussed.
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