Volume 2, Issue 2

Original research papers

Radon and Thoron


Janja Vaupotič, Mateja Bezek, Ivan Kobal

Pages: 115-117

DOI: 10.21175/RadJ.2017.02.024

Received: 12 FEB 2017, Received revised: 4 MAY 2017, Accepted: 20 JUN 2017, Published online: 28 OCT 2017

An air cleaner was installed in a room with elevated radon activity concentration, and the following parameters have been monitored: activity concentrations of 222Rn (Rn) and its short-lived products (RnP), degree of equilibrium between Rn and RnP (F), fraction of unattached RnP (fun), and the number concentration and size distribution of aerosol particles (5–530 nm). Several hours of filtration removed the >10 nm particles almost completely, thus increasing the contribution of the <10 nm particles, associated with unattached RnP. Consequently, fun was substantially augmented with a concomitant decrease inF.
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