Neutron and Heavy Ion Radiations
Maria Ângela de B. C. Menezes, Ana Clara Oliveira Pelaes,
Paula Maria Borges de Salles, Wellington Ferrari da Silva,
Rodrigo Reis de Moura, Igor Felipe Silva Moura, Radojko Jaćimović
Pages: 124-128
DOI: 10.21175/RadJ.2017.02.026
Received: 13 FEB 2017, Received revised: 27 APR 2017, Accepted: 2 JUL 2017, Published online: 28 OCT 2017
Abstract |
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Mineral composition analysis in agro industrial products is necessary for several reasons, such as the determination of nutritious value, assessment of product quality, detection of adulteration, compliance with legal and labelling requirements, food forensic, research and development. It is important to enhance that a variety of toxic elements in food has been increasing as a consequence of new agricultural practices, industrial development, and environmental pollution. For that, analytical techniques are expected to play a crucial role on chemical elemental concentration determination. In this paper, the neutron activation technique was applied by means of k0-standardized method. This method uses neutron flux monitors, spectral parameters of the nuclear reactor, gamma system counter absolutely calibrated and k0 constants and not standards of chemical elements, as in relative method. Several agro-industrial samples and one soil sample were analysed using the 100 kW TRIGA Mark I research reactor. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to show the versatility and the efficiency of this technique on multielemental concentration determination in diversified matrices, showing that several chemical elements were determined with a large range of elemental concentration. Reference materials were also analysed and evaluated statistically, pointing out the reliability of the technique.
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