Nikola Svrkota, Jelena Mijušković and Nevenka M. Antović
Pages: 18-22
DOI: 10.21175/RadJ.2018.01.004
Received: 14 MAR 2017, Received revised: 5 JUN 2017, Accepted: 11 JUL 2017, Published online: 2 APR 2018
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Three NaI(Tl) detectors and two pairs of NaI(Tl) detectors at an angle of 90° – from the six-crystal spectrometer PRIPJAT-2M (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Montenegro, Podgorica), were used to determine registration efficiencies for the most intense gamma rays in de-excitation of 134Ba, following beta minus decay of 134Cs. The 134Cs liquid calibration standard was used for acquiring spectra over 18 000 s real time in the energy range (200-3000) keV – in the integral, non-coincident and mode of double gamma-gamma coincidences. All the spectra from individual detectors and detector pairs in all the counting modes clearly showed peaks at the 605 and 796 keV. The experimental registration efficiency of the 605 keV gamma ray by individual detectors in different modes of counting was found to be with an average of 0.055 (integral), 0.032 (non-coincident) and 0.021 (double coincidences), whilst in the case of two detector pairs – 0.112 (integral), 0.065 (non-coincident) and 0.042 (double coincidences). In regards to the 796 keV, average detection efficiencies were 0.04 (integral), 0.026 (non-coincident) and 0.013 (double coincidences) – in the case of individual detectors, and 0.076 (integral), 0.048 (non-coincident) and 0.026 (double coincidences) – for the detector pairs. Obtained results are baselines for the future development of the coincidence method for 134Cs measurement – using multidetector systems with measuring geometry close to 4π, with the 796 keV photopeak in a coincidence mode as appropriate for 134Cs detection in a sample containing 137Cs and decay products of 226Ra and 232Th.
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